Noobies VÜ

random mutterings and musings by me, myself, and I.


WARNING: House Under Quarantine

Posted by vanashke001

It's true, my home is contagious!
I have the decorating bug, I've tried to find treatment but to no avail. Well (un)fortunately my roomie has found herself infected as well.
It started with painting her room; a lovely green shade, and finding herself a snazzy mirror to accent it as well.
It has since moved into her bathroom. The other roommate has moved on to greener pastures and with no plan on replacing him she took the opportunity to make her bathroom her own.
Originally she was going to go with a nice blue theme. But upon finding the following shower curtain everything changed! I present to you,
Symptom 1: A hideous bathroom. (as always, click to embiggin)

Treatment 1: a snazzy shower curtain!

Symptom 2: Ugly cabinet with uglier hardware and huge outlet gash.
Treatment 2: New color and hardware and snazzy outlet and cover!

Symptom 3: Hideous mirror (unseen light fixture) and cabinet.

Treatment 3: Fancy paint and hardware, and new clock, (unseen new fixture), more outlets and covers

Same Symptom as above, new angle more ugly

Treatment 3.1 New hardware for towels and the like!

I think the roomie did a fabulous job and I love the fact that she feels more comfortable now. It's always been my desire to have the roomies feel like they can dig in and make something more to their liking. Fortunately this is also to my liking. bonus all around!


Bjorn said...

I love the black and white. I would do an entire room in the high contrast black and white but with Asian style. I am jealous.

Artist Anika said...

LOL. Thanks for all your help, roomie. Couldn't have done lots of it without you (power tools are not my friends....neither are electrical wires). You are awesome! I am loving my bathroom!

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