Noobies VÜ

random mutterings and musings by me, myself, and I.


The H1N1 or as I call it, hih-nee

Posted by vanashke001

Swine flu has come to southern Utah. Yee haw.
I don't typically get the flu, I did the math and the last time I recall getting it was oh, sometime in the early 90s. That doesn't mean that was the last time, just the last time I can recall.
Both main bosses at work have apparently had it, a couple people from the office are out, not sure if they have it or not.
We've been informed that the bug is so new that insurance groups aren't prepared to pay for the test for it and it runs around $300 and if you take it, you are required by the CDC to start treatment before the results even come back 6 weeks later. So, many area hospitals are just having people skip the test and just take the prescription.
It really kills me that with a virtual pandemic on our hands (is it virtual if it has already been declared a pandemic?), and the cost of tests running a few hundred dollars a pop, as well as the cost for prescriptions, and with the uninsured in this country topping 47 MILLION (that's 20% of the population, myself included) that so many people (probably insured) are contesting the idea of nationalized health care under the guise of *gasp* communism/socialism. WTF man?
If ever there was a need for socialized medicine now is the time. I don't think I speak for just myself when I think that many of us uninsured, especially in this economy, can afford to go to a doctor or take the time off from work if we come down with this thing. I think it is very possible we will see the death toll rise due to this illness mainly because so many of us can't afford to treat it.
I am not really in a high-risk category, I do not have children, nor have many friends who do, (yay gays!) and I am somewhat isolated here at work with only a few people in the same office of which only 1 has children. But I am not immune to the flu by any means. And, let's face it, it only takes one. You go to the mall, or the gym, or a restaurant, or shopping, and you are surrounded by people and children who are at risk, and may even already have it, and of course they spread that around.
People, if you or your kid is sick, don't be parading around town. This could be a serious problem, and though I am all for a bit of "thinning of the herd", this thing could reach some epic numbers. It could probably be knocked down if people just followed the precautions set forth by the CDC and kept them and their kids home if they come down with it.
But, that's not how our society runs. People are always out for themselves, and if it inconveniences them, or somehow affects their quality of life, or challenges the sanctity of marriage (had to put that in there), then, by all means, smash it down and destroy it. WE don't want socialized medicine because we'll become communists, or socialist, (boo Obama, you commie! You've destroyed America single handedly in less than 6 months- so say the emails I keep getting from family members) we won't let you socialize medicine!
God knows our government, especially one run by an apparent commie who has destroyed the country, mangled people's names, uses a *gasp* teleprompter, doubled the national debt (he of course caused all the problems the previous years that caused the need for a bailout), and wants to make all the people making over 250k (i know no one, who makes that personally- but with the amount of bitching I hear you'd think all the republicans close to me do) pay more in taxes, is incapable of running health care. reminds me of this lovely blog I read a while back. You have to laugh a little.


Unknown said...

I didn't even see this post come up! WTF. Randomly went back to your blog to find it. But yes I agree. Being an uninsured person as well.

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