Noobies VÜ

random mutterings and musings by me, myself, and I.



Posted by vanashke001

Salt Lake City has become the first city in Utah to afford rights and protections to Gays and Lesbians against discrimination by employers and property managers. In other words, a gay could not be fired simply because he is gay, nor can he be evicted for it.
But of course there are some lame ass naysayers who have twisted this into a foot in the door for gay marriage. How the hell does this go into gay marriage? Which of course begs the question of how my marrying some dude can possibly affect some breeder's marriage. Something tells me my fabulous brother and his marvelous wife would continue to be married and would not sense a tremor in the force were I to miraculously find some guy to take the vows with. No tremor beyond the idea that I actually had a date at some point anyway.
This does not keep the religious right from coming up with some cockamamy protest against this "attack" on marriage. Yet again. sigh. People are Stupid.
I have issues with the whole idea behind marriage being ordained of God in the first place. It is no wonder that I am not a religious person. With all the bullshit people claim in the name of God it's a miracle that anyone can do anything without burning in hell.
I started doing research into marriage to get a little fodder for the canon that is my blog and I got overloaded. (Did you know that up until the 60s blacks could not marry outside of their ethnic group and during slavery they could not marry at all?) There is so much information out there that directly contradicts this concept of religious (or at least Christian) ordination of marriage. The Egyptians married, Native Americans married, Greeks and Romans, Mesopotamians (the commonly held "cradle of life") married, and none of these groups were "christian".
Many of these groups also had no problem with same-sex marriage.
But these are Christians we are talking about (not ALL Christians mind you, I know many of you have no problem with this) and they are probably the same group that think the dinosaurs are a fallacy. They have no room for science; 20:20 vision down a 1/2" pipe.
So they hold fast to the idea that Marriage (with a capital M of course) is Sacred (same thing with the S, you can hear the capitals when they say it). But never mind the whole argument about how Brittany Spears' 50 hours of wedded bliss (as well as the nightmare year she was with Kfed) did more damage to the Sacred Marriage then gays ever could. Let's look at a few others, shall we.
A Polish couple who had their nuptials annulled after 3 hours.
Scott Peterson, his marriage was so Sacred he killed his wife.
Phil Hartman and Brynn Omdahl, she killed him; their marriage was so precious.
Glynn Wolfe aka Scotty Wolfe, marriage was so sacred to him he only married 29 times.
One was for 19 days, the longest for *gasp* 7 (!) years.
Elizabeth Taylor, 8 marriages, 7 husbands. hmmm. But she was a piker compared to...
Linda Lou Wolfe (recognize the last name?) she was married to the guy above as well as 22 other guys. The longest was 7 years as well (is this a pattern?) the shortest, 19 hours. Why so many? She gets, "Lonely"
With just a short trip to our local arrest bookings website I could find husbands and wives arrested for domestic violence. I'm sure a few a day, and those're the ones where an arrest was made because someone actually reported it.
So all those right-wing, Marriage is Sacred, dumb asses should shut the fuck up.
There is no way a couple of fags could possibly taint the "sanctity" of marriage any more than a handful of rednecks could (and do) on a daily basis.
Learn to cope. Some day we will be able to marry, and what a wonderful day it will be, when two loving people regardless of race, creed, or sex can be together in matrimony, legally.
Until then, we will be happy that someone cannot arbitrarily fire us or evict us simply because they don't like "the gays". At least in Salt Lake City. (for now)


Unknown said...

Did you hear that Rosie and her "husife" are splitting up? D-I-V-O-R-C-E That marriage lasted 4-evar...

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