How fabulous is it when you hear from someone you haven't heard from in ages? Pretty damn fab, especially if they be funny bitches!
How glorious to chat back and forth and reminisce about parties and drunken messes we have been at them. Hootie hoo!
I get a Live window poppin up and there is a friend I haven't seen in a while. It was like normal just the chat back and forth and then it got quite interesting when he turned on his video chat. Now, I don't know about some of you peeps, but this homo here does not do the small screen. You can only appreciate all of this when you view it in a darkened room on a BIG ASS screen. okay who we kidding, more like just the darkened room. But he loves the video chat, which he should cuz well, he looks good. ass. Hate him with me for a moment... okay that's enough.
So he throws on this damn camera and thankfully I do not have one on my desktop, so I didn't feel pressured to reciprocate. whew. And it was so funny talking with him because he would talk and I'd hear him through my speakers and see him on my screen but then I could only reply through typing. It was like he had to communicate with me with the a relay service for the deaf.
I knew a kid in Vegas who was deaf, superior kid, but I had to do the whole relay thing with him on the phone. That be some trippy shit. If you haven't done it- you have to tell the operator when you are finished and that's hard to remember to do. And if you've ever talked to my happy ass I pretty much never shut the fuck up. Well, anyhoo I digress. Back to video chat.
So he is chatting verbally and I am writing, so he is sitting there looking at the screen waiting for my reply. It was somewhat awkward but still fabulous since I hadn't heard from him in sooo long.
Then I decided to turn on my laptop and well, of course I had to return in kind with my webcam. I am sorry, no one should have to look at this and it was so awkward to see myself on this little screen. Fortunately or unfortunately, depends on your viewpoint, my microphone sounded jacked and it wasn't very cool on his end. (I also tried to blame my appearance on a bad camera, but since he has seen me before I don't know how effective that was. sigh.)
So I am chatting he is hearing me (sorta) and seeing me (sorry) and all is well but he and his boyfriend (yes it is true, I understand he is a gay- hide your kids) and they both start laughing at me cuz I lean towards the screen when I talk. I've decided I would so be a microphone grabber if I was ever on tv. what a downer.
Then they laughed cuz I am so addicted to watching the Little League World Series. You know it's a shame that I can't even mention that shit without someone assuming it is sexual.(which they didn't necessarily-it just seems to be a common reaction and I'm kinda venting now) gah! I'm gay not a pedo, but it is twisted that other gays (who I am sure are not pedos) automatically go that way. Do I give off a pedo vibe? Do I have a pedo smile, or 'stache? god it's horrible. they are chilluns ain't nothin there I want. the end. (mostly I think it is just common for people to give other people shit and let's face it, this is an easy one) But I can't help but watch cuz they are adorable when they play and you can't help but feel for them when they lose and cry and kick and scream. (ok, it's true I do like to see children cry- their tears sustain me- but oddly enough, I actually prefer it when these little guys are happy) Seeing their elation and jubilation is kind of heart-warming. or maybe I am lame. who cares.
I am sad now however, because Warner-Robins was in the semi-finals but they will not make it to the finals. They were defeated by the punks kids from Chula Vista.
So actually, there are a couple of degrees of separation here, my brother and I grew up for a few years in Chula Vista AND my brother and his family now live in Warner-Robins. How cool is that? I could actually have rooted for either team but for some reason I am not diggin the kids so much from CV, so I was rooting for WR. (They won the first year I watched as well) But alas... they were not successful, so now I shall switch allegiances to Texas, regardless of where I spent my first 4 years of school.
So that was my evening. working, chatting, video, and LLWS. My life could be much better but sometimes it's pretty much okay. Hands down the best part... reconnecting with two groovy fellows I've not seen or talked to in ages!
Hopefully you will be entertained with this blog. If not, you apparently have no sense of humor and will therefore be eliminated. Please wait where you are, my blogger spiders will soon be crawling out of your speakers or headphones to crawl all over you and devour you slowly with maddening little tickles from their hairy little legs.
As always,
Peace out bitches ;o)
My Minions
So here be Jared's Hawt new car. and I'll be damned if that little squirrel didn't photobomb me again!
but it does give you an idea as to how small this little car is. I think Jared actually pulls it back to wind it up and then jumps inside.
He doesn't tell you this, but he has to have the sunroof just so he can sit upright in it.
This might be bad, but damn it is funny and brilliant. Go latino Comedy Project!
I was going to take the time to write out a fully detailed review of this movie, then I realized that I wasted enough time on it by seeing it. So, my review then is this: this movie sucked ass. I cannot begin to really explain the amount of ass sucking this movie did. Take that fat chick that they have the reality show about, Pearl, or something like that... RUBY that's it! Anyhoo, pucker up and plant your lips on her copious booty and start sucking and you might just get a 10th of how much ass this movie sucked. The good news, if you are an adolescent straight boy (on the low intelligence and high testosterone of about 13) you will love this flick. Those of us adult enough to see the ridiculousness of a woman in the "military" with her tits hanging out, her hair freshly coiffed and hanging full length, and running in, what I can only assume are, "combat heels" (and that's just ONE of the ludicrous bits- and chicks- in this flick) can't help but get annoyed by the audacity and idiocy that this movie represents. No wonder they didn't let the critics see it first.
So thank you miss Heidi for turning me on to this vid. This thing is a riot people and though it is long, it is pretty entertaining, especially if you remember it from when it came out.
Video directors often seem to take quite a few liberties when it comes to bringing an artist or band's song to tv. How many videos have you seen that have absolutely nothing to do with the storyline of the song and instead create their own.
A few enterprising people on Youtube have answered the call and have created literal translations to some of these videos. I think this one is one of the best. Give it a go, I think you might just like it. ;o)
So, I was feeling pretty good about me li'l Noobs after I mangled my lift kit onto it but then I saw this monstrosity in my work parking lot. Holy Christsicles!
I call it a monstrosity, but I really mean totally hot! I know, I know, I have always maintained that for every inch of lift someone is compensating for a short coming. I've even gone so far as to state that it is every guys' goal to hit the equivalent of 10" of... well, manhood. And don't none of you smart ass bastards try to do the math on my lift and possible shortcomings! Cheeky buggers. (I only lifted 2" yeah, that's it, 2").
Anyhoo, so my noobs was feeling all good about himself and (me by extension) then I lay me peepers on this bad boy and I felt like the smallest one in the locker room... mmm... locker rooms...
Where was I, oh yes, so pretty bitchin truck and very well done. But where the hell do these people get their money? You've seen my lovely list o' parts and work I did on mine and work that still needs to be done. If I am looking at 4K by the time I am done, what the hell is under that truck.
Beyond all that, I keep trying to watch for the dude that owns it so I can see him get in it. I am 6'3" and I think I would have a hard time just reaching the damn door handle. Please oh please Lord, let me witness this...