I was talking to a friend of mine who also has a blog, and he was distressed by a negative comment he received. This got me thinking, as a blogger, who is putting his thoughts out to the world, should he not expect to receive some kind of feedback on his posts? And should he only expect to have positive comments and feedback?
I figure I can expect to have feedback that runs the gamut. I understand his concern and I also understood his reaction. The feedback wasn't terribly kind, and he didn't receive it on his actual blog, instead he received it on his Facebook wall. Was this an appropriate forum for that feedback?
If we are going to put ourselves out there and use multiple forums of promotion, I suppose we can expect any of those forums as possible sources of commentary and feedback.
Was what the commenter said inappropriate then?
I guess that would depend on the recipient. For him, no. Me? I think I would have just given it back in kind, or simply ignored it, or deleted it, whichever pleased me at that point.
I also provided him feedback, but I did so face to face- frankly I was somewhat bored with his post. I thought it was mildly indulgent and overlong.
But you know what?
It's his blog, he can do or say whatever in the world makes him happy.
Would I call him lame on his Facebook wall? Probably not. But that's just not how I usually operate.
But the thing is, that's the risk you take when you use a public forum for expressing yourself. People are going to make digs and some people are going to think you're the second coming. But will they ALWAYS think you are? Unless you are totally awesome... probably not. It's the haps. I have multiple people I follow, other than S.T. Lewis, who is just spot on about all the time, most of them- the revered Wil Wheaton for one, and 27b/6 for another, have let me down. But I move on and read them again and weigh each of their posts on their own merits. Just like an Emmy winning comedy can have an off episode, so too can a great blogger have an off post.
Just shake it off and try again.
Hopefully you will be entertained with this blog. If not, you apparently have no sense of humor and will therefore be eliminated. Please wait where you are, my blogger spiders will soon be crawling out of your speakers or headphones to crawl all over you and devour you slowly with maddening little tickles from their hairy little legs.
As always,
Peace out bitches ;o)
My Minions
Went up to Kolob this past weekend. I have never been there, but after seeing it I want to go again and again. I really have to question why the hell I bought a house when I could have gotten a ratty old trailer and stuck it up on a lot here instead. You can recharge in this kind of beauty. I might could also talk my brother into coming to visit with views like this. (oh and the less than sun-surface temperatures help.)
The image below is looking into Zion Canyon from Lava Point Overlook (as always, click to embiggen)Like a fool I shined on taking my camera so I am stuck with these craptastic shots I took with my phone. And to top that off I could only take a few because the battery died. grrr
The image below is one of a couple I took at the cabin we were at. Thank you Claudia Bradshaw for hosting us 'mos for your annual PFLAG bbq. Why I never went before I don't know.The shot below is directly from her back yard looking to the northeast
This shot is to the southeast
Man, so much beauty and the smell of the trees and grasses, just marvelous. To get away from the heat of St. George was such a needed respite. I would go again in a hot minute. I am packing up a tent and heading up at the first chance.
I attacked my fireplace yet again. I wanted to have a mantle so I could decorate it. So, I ran to my local Home Depot, and grabbed a shelf and some brackets and a piece of wood, along with a nifty new jigsaw and set to work.This is what I had the first morning, I think I made pretty good headway.
And voila, this morning, 2 days after starting I have made Mantle!
I wonder if it stands out enough really. It just looks like my stuff is floating on the fireplace now.
Opinions? I thought about maybe banding the front edge with stainless just to make it stand out more. (as always- click pix to embiggen)
I know, I know, it has been a while since I last posted. For that, I apologize to the 2 or 3 of you that read this crap.
Ironically enough, I have started a new blog, since I am so efficient at updating this one, that is a called Noobie's 365.
365 Project is a little thing people are starting to do where you take a picture a day for one year. Just to see what catches your eye or interest. Some take photos of themselves (we all know I'm not keen on that one) some take photos of things that they like, or dislike I suppose. This would be me. I am hoping to improve my photography and perhaps photoshop skills while doing this and maybe even spark some interest in people. or just bore them with two blogs instead of just one.
Let's see what happens!
p.s. I will still be updating here since the other one will mostly be snippets not lengthy posts.