Noobies VÜ

random mutterings and musings by me, myself, and I.


God in the details

Posted by vanashke001

Ok, this post might garner me some hate mail. Oh well. Those of you that are religious would do well to skip it. I might say something offensive to you. I respect your beliefs, as I hope you respect mine.

A friend of mine just posted about how horrible the land fill is in our area, and then one of his friends posted a link to an article. You may see it here if you wish, I'll wait. If not, in a nutshell said article was about a landfill in Nicaragua that 300 some-odd people lived in. It is tragic, I will allow for that and quite the journey to undertake and a powerful story to share. What bothered me was the author took the time to point out Jesus and how He brought them there so that they could spread His Word and yadda yadda yadda. Really?
So Jesus' big plan for these poor decrepit individuals was for you to come and see them and marvel in their squalor so that you can then return to your quarter of a million dollar home and feel good about yourself because you went and experienced for the weekend the conditions these people exist in for life.
I am all about volunteering and helping people in any way that a person possibly can, but this is the problem of religion. It's not enough for a person to give of themselves, it then has to be turned into some bullshit object lesson to teach the masses of the lie glory of God/Christ/Allah/insert deity here. But meanwhile we all exist in a completely different fantasy world where our good works can be held up to edify ourselves in our self-beatification. And still the world turns and these poor souls continue their life in the conditions they have no control over.
If a person is in AA they "give it up to God" or "accept that there is a power greater than them" so they have no real control over their lives. I think this is like the First Fallacy Step. My problem with this (and I do have a degree so I understand a lot of why this is done, but I still have issues) is that all the control, all of the accomplishment has been sucked away from them and attributed to a non-being bullshit supposedly magical hebrew zombie Christ or another "power". But what about their power? What about their ability to finally escape their addiction? If a person is successful in keeping clean it's, "glory be to God, blah blah blah" but if they slip or backslide, fall off the wagon, use, what have you, then they have transgressed and failed.
So, if a person is successful in their attempt to kick the habit, it's God's good grace and Jesus' wonderful support, but if a person slips, it's all their damn fault. Where was God? Why did Jesus decide to "leave them on their own"?
Simple, God doesn't care.
Think what you want, I try to respect other people's beliefs, but it just reeks of arrogance to assume a person can understand or even comprehend the mind of (a) God.
It reeks of arrogance to assume that, simply because YOU ask of it, that He will intercede in YOUR life and make all things better.Because YOU are just THAT awesome.
This has always been a stalling point for me in all the religions I've messed around in, that I don't like to pray, and I definitely don't like to ask for things.
It can be posited that prayer simply releases the intention of the penitent to the cosmos, or whatever, and that it is that energy coalescing with similar energy that can cause things to manifest.
This I can accept. But the idea that God chose you out of all the suffering people in this world to lift up and deliver, just fucks me off.
This belief insinuates that the child that cries out to God or to his Mother (because mother is the name of god in the hearts and minds of children), when suffering abuse, is ignored by God.
Poor little Ethan Stacy must not have been worthy of God's help. Is that how you have to look at this?
The people living in the squalor of a Nicaraguan dump are not good enough in His eyes for deliverance?
Don't you think these people pray, or wish for guidance and assistance?
Kudos you, you sanctimonious blessed fuckers people for offering your earthly and humble assistance to those in need. Just don't use it as a pulpit to further your mission of proselytizing of the myth grace of God.

Diatribe over, you may now return to your preferred mode of entertainment.


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