Noobies VÜ

random mutterings and musings by me, myself, and I.


Twigg's Theories

Posted by vanashke001

Met with this fellow tonight, he is called Twigg, or maybe Logan, depends I suppose.
Can I say I am impressed? Well, I suppose I CAN, the point being I am. Such a smart dude and such high-hopes and expectations. I felt sort of like an ass. I was ostensibly there to help him with setting up a site or two and just wound up chatting. Probably foolish, but I felt uncomfortable about discussing it with him with others around, mainly cuz it's sort of an esoteric topic. I mean it does seem that EVERYONE (and their dog) has a blog, but he wants to do more with his then just vent or express himself. And my knowledge of websites and the like is more geared toward monetization and search, and his needs don't really fall into that. Plus, the stuff I do can take session after session to teach, but how much of it would be useful to him? sigh. Couple that with the peeps that were there had a whole ton of personality and would likely have been bored with the topic, and that we were outside and couldn't really see my computer screen... chatting seemed the way to go. wth
This kid (he is only 18 and I am older than dirt a bit older) almost single-handedly set up the GSAs in this county for all the high-schools. HOLY SHIT! The balls it had to take to do something like this. I wasn't even out in high-school, let alone putting myself out there like he had to. Facing adversity and ridicule is so difficult in high-school as it is and he pretty much painted a target on his back and said, "Have at it people."
Much respect.
So as I was talking with him I found myself feeling such a sense of, "wow, this guy has so much going on for his age, and so much to offer this world" that I was just enthralled to be chatting with him.
Point of fact, I have met him before and I thought he was somewhat standoffish towards me, but i felt none of that this evening. Perhaps in my own insecurities I projected that towards him as a way to make myself feel better that I don't always run up to chat with people.
So, as always, long story shorter, it was a groovy evening, talking to a groovy dude, who I feel is someone who can only take our community higher. I worried that activism would flounder and the community here would falter and stall, but he has the reins and is making strides I wish I had the tenacity to make.
I bid you adieu now, as I am going to head on over to his blog and give it a read, check out some of his "theories" and see just how deep my respect and admiration can go. Me thinks, pretty deep.


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