Ok, So I started this a while ago, and I just erased it all and started again. Goddamn I can be long winded. lol.
In a nutshell. People are douche bags (is that one word or two? hmm, let's go with two). Not all people mind you! Just a good majority of them. IF you fall into the douche bag mold I request that you realize it and get some help. Are you not sure if you are a douche bag? There are signs. Ask yourself,
"Do I blame other people for my own misfortunes?"
"Do I block people's driveways, knowing full well that I am inconveniencing them and requiring them to hunt me down to move my car so that they can get in or out of their own garage?"
"Do I talk during movies?"
"Do I use my phone to text people during movies while the back light from said phone lights up the theater enough that a guy three rows away can comfortably read the nutritional information on his buncha crunch?"
"Do I run stop lights because I am THAT important and I cannot wait a measly 90 seconds to get to the NEXT light?"
"Do I become so incensed over my employer having to downsize his company that he built from the ground up and found himself unable to maintain the current size that he stayed awake for over a week agonizing over the horrible decision to have to lay-people off AND I was one of the few that survived the cut and maintained my job, but I STILL had to blog about it and blame my boss and accuse him of playing some lame ass, dick swinging, corporate competition skull-fucking, instead of being relieved that he thought enough of me and my performance to maintain my employment so I can care for my preggo wife who doesn't have a job?"
"Do I then bitch and moan over MSN and make the accusation that my thinning boss has lost weight due to drug use instead of the stress of having to ask a bunch of his employees to pack their things because the economy sucks so much ass that it has really cut into the business?" btw I have personally known bosses that have fired people so that they could get a snazzier car, and then laughed about it. This is a boss who really agonized over his having to downsize. I have also heard bosses compete about who laid off more people. This boss did nothing of the sort, and got openly emotional over having to tell people not to come back to work. definitely not the dickswinging skull fucking type.
"Do I also act shocked when I find my ass terminated because I have repeatedly neglected to do my job to the expectation even though I have been warned AND had tenure that helped me maintain my job, EVEN after I blogged about my dick-swinging, skull-fucking boss, but continued to bad mouth him and his company?"
and lastly
After witnessing said event, "do I as an unrelated bystander/coworker, decide that I am not being treated the way I should be and spout off to associated companies about my perceived mistreatment, and then have the audacity to be surprised by own termination but email the person I complained to and blame them for my termination because they narked out my comments to the boss, not being aware of the fact that I was actually talking to someone else who had to log on to my "confidant's" computer to get a file and had MSN log in automatically while printing?"
If you can answer yes to any of these scenarios then you are definitely a douche bag. And you cannot, or will not, ever accept the responsibility of your own actions.
I like my job (hint hint- I work where all this took place) and unlike a couple of the people listed above, I was pretty happy to retain my employment, thank you very much. And even though my duties have changed from what I was doing, and even though I really enjoyed what I did before, that position isn't available right now. I am just damn happy I can still pay my bills and will, quite frankly, do pretty much whatever they need me to do.
But a couple people have to blame other people for the consequences for their own actions. Taking it so far as to blog about it and to post comments on websites dedicated to publicising bullshit.
In the end, it has been my experience that most people complain about shit like this because they didn't get their way. They had to pay the piper and face the music. Dumb asses.
Please people, if you recognize bits of yourself in the questions posed above, get help. Seek counseling, or better yet, play in traffic.
disclaimer: The preceding are my own damn opinions. They do not reflect or represent the opinions of Omni Business Solutions or their subsidiaries. And though I like my job, I am not prone to "singing the party line". Nor do I bring all this up to blow sunshine up my boss's ass. I doubt highly that he has ever even seen my blog. However, I say now, that IF I wind up getting terminated over something I have said here. I take the responsibility for it. But I just get irritated by douche bags who think the whole world owes them a living and mistake being a pretentious ass for being deep.
"Do I blame other people for my own misfortunes?"
"Do I block people's driveways, knowing full well that I am inconveniencing them and requiring them to hunt me down to move my car so that they can get in or out of their own garage?"
"Do I talk during movies?"
"Do I use my phone to text people during movies while the back light from said phone lights up the theater enough that a guy three rows away can comfortably read the nutritional information on his buncha crunch?"
"Do I run stop lights because I am THAT important and I cannot wait a measly 90 seconds to get to the NEXT light?"
"Do I become so incensed over my employer having to downsize his company that he built from the ground up and found himself unable to maintain the current size that he stayed awake for over a week agonizing over the horrible decision to have to lay-people off AND I was one of the few that survived the cut and maintained my job, but I STILL had to blog about it and blame my boss and accuse him of playing some lame ass, dick swinging, corporate competition skull-fucking, instead of being relieved that he thought enough of me and my performance to maintain my employment so I can care for my preggo wife who doesn't have a job?"
"Do I then bitch and moan over MSN and make the accusation that my thinning boss has lost weight due to drug use instead of the stress of having to ask a bunch of his employees to pack their things because the economy sucks so much ass that it has really cut into the business?" btw I have personally known bosses that have fired people so that they could get a snazzier car, and then laughed about it. This is a boss who really agonized over his having to downsize. I have also heard bosses compete about who laid off more people. This boss did nothing of the sort, and got openly emotional over having to tell people not to come back to work. definitely not the dickswinging skull fucking type.
"Do I also act shocked when I find my ass terminated because I have repeatedly neglected to do my job to the expectation even though I have been warned AND had tenure that helped me maintain my job, EVEN after I blogged about my dick-swinging, skull-fucking boss, but continued to bad mouth him and his company?"
and lastly
After witnessing said event, "do I as an unrelated bystander/coworker, decide that I am not being treated the way I should be and spout off to associated companies about my perceived mistreatment, and then have the audacity to be surprised by own termination but email the person I complained to and blame them for my termination because they narked out my comments to the boss, not being aware of the fact that I was actually talking to someone else who had to log on to my "confidant's" computer to get a file and had MSN log in automatically while printing?"
If you can answer yes to any of these scenarios then you are definitely a douche bag. And you cannot, or will not, ever accept the responsibility of your own actions.
I like my job (hint hint- I work where all this took place) and unlike a couple of the people listed above, I was pretty happy to retain my employment, thank you very much. And even though my duties have changed from what I was doing, and even though I really enjoyed what I did before, that position isn't available right now. I am just damn happy I can still pay my bills and will, quite frankly, do pretty much whatever they need me to do.
But a couple people have to blame other people for the consequences for their own actions. Taking it so far as to blog about it and to post comments on websites dedicated to publicising bullshit.
In the end, it has been my experience that most people complain about shit like this because they didn't get their way. They had to pay the piper and face the music. Dumb asses.
Please people, if you recognize bits of yourself in the questions posed above, get help. Seek counseling, or better yet, play in traffic.
disclaimer: The preceding are my own damn opinions. They do not reflect or represent the opinions of Omni Business Solutions or their subsidiaries. And though I like my job, I am not prone to "singing the party line". Nor do I bring all this up to blow sunshine up my boss's ass. I doubt highly that he has ever even seen my blog. However, I say now, that IF I wind up getting terminated over something I have said here. I take the responsibility for it. But I just get irritated by douche bags who think the whole world owes them a living and mistake being a pretentious ass for being deep.
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