Noobies VÜ

random mutterings and musings by me, myself, and I.



Posted by vanashke001

Today, after much consternation on my part, I have decided to yield to these philistines that keep commenting that my beloved Flame Gauge cluster is passé and ugly and "mexicanish".
In fact, a wonderful friend of mine has decided to hold an intervention on my part to save me from myself and help bring me "back to the world of taste..."

This from the owner of a wood paneled man-cave and an elks lodge ceiling fan. Lecture me on taste will you! Oh and painting over the wood doesn't negate the fact that it IS wood btw.
She doesn't even have rain gutters for god's sake, AND she spills tea on her white shirt like she is a 3-year old.

Also it is interesting to note, the "po-po" are on a first name basis with her and, I am pretty sure, even know where she lives.

Oh and the other guy? Don't get me started! no really, don't. psh red led dash lights. what's next, pretend bullet holes?

But after this diatribe I must admit that they believe they have my best interests at heart, and they may have somewhat of a point. Perhaps it was a cosmic intercession that kept me from being able to purchase all that hotness. Maybe I shouldn't get them and perhaps this will give me time to rethink my love of them. They do seem like something that would be spiffy one day and hideous the next. Maybe instead of being incensed at my thoughtful and caring friends I should thank them for saving me from myself.

Or just shank them with my keister stashed shiv. hmm I like that idea better.


Mama Tan said...

You make me sound like white trailer trash, lol and the man cave is no more sista.

Mama Tan said...

Oh and your a beaaatch, lol

Jdizzle said...

SANAP! Someone is being Princess Pissy in this post. Ha Ha Ha Ha! I totally forgot she has an Elks Lodge ceiling fan. Maybe next Thirsty Thursday we can have Kimmie get her a matching one for upstairs. Oh, and feel free to blog about me like you did the other two. I am taking Kathy's stance on the subject. Any press is great!

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