So, I worked at Wally-land (yay me) and I still shop there. That's about the only place you can afford to shop when you work there, other than $ stores. :( Anyhoo, they have these lovely self-serve checkout lanes (from this point forward SC's). They are nice, I like them. If only I could use them. What the hell is it with people that insist upon checking themselves out when they have a cart full? These bad boys are designed to enable someone making very few purchases the ability to scan and run. Not for people with cart loads who either position one of their rugrats at the other end to bag. OR worse yet, run back and forth bagging and scanning. I use them only when I have maybe 5-10 items tops. People bitch and moan because the lines are too long and then they promptly head to the SC. They are not fast when you have that much shit. In fact they are a hell of a lot slower. Who do you think you are foolin? Especially if you have veggies and shit. Gotta look up each code and then when you do it wrong the assoc. has to come and clear the damn thing and then you gotta rescan it. You know what? The checkers are trained to do this shit. And some of them are damn fast! Most of these people can scan 200-300 items an hour. I once watched some woman check out 2 (!) carts! WTF! It took her almost 40 minutes. Meanwhile, the lines next to her probably checked out 10-20 people in that time. But no, she's gotta monopolize the SC and then bitch on her way out about how much time she wasted at W-M. Stupid Bitch. It wouldn't be so bad if this was just an isolated incident but no, it's not. Happens all the time. Add that to legal reasons to kill someone. "the bitch used the SC with a cartload."
This blog is only my opinion and is not to be construed as the official position of wal-stores inc. or any of it's affiliates.
Peace and Love
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